Nomex gloves are best for extreme temperatures, chemicals and fire hazards


Nomex gloves like T gloves feature some unique properties and have become mandatory in many public safety and law enforcing agencies. The Nomex material is fire retardant and does not sustain flames. It is also fire resistant up to 700 degrees Celsius and gloves of this material are very commonly used by fire-fighters, racing car drivers and military pilots. Nomex gloves also provide tremendous protection against chemical and thermal threats and hazards.

Like military gloves, Nomex gloves are specialized gloves and are the first choice in any department which has to deal with chemicals, extreme temperatures and fire. They are also extremely comfortable unlike asbestos gloves which can cause irritation and discomfort. The other great advantage of Nomex gloves is that they also offer greater dexterity of fingers so that the usage of your hands/fingers does not get restricted this is a very crucial element especially for those in the airline crew or the fire fighting departments. You must use Nomex material for any job which requires you to get exposed to hazardous elements. Quite a number of Nomex gloves have an extra cuff length that covers most of your forearm. This design prevents you from getting burn injuries as your forearm is shielded from fire. 

People employed in transportation, construction or even waste management jobs are better off if they use Nomex gloves as this is the only material which provides almost total protection from fire, chemical, thermal, toxic spills, waste or any type of hazardous elements.