Why the military needs special gloves

Protection is always better than cure. Be it a disease or some physical attack, it’s always wiser to protect yourself before rather cure it later. One of the most physically gruelling jobs in the history of mankind has been, being in the defence. To serve your country is a matter of pride indeed but what about your own safety? To jump in a battle ground without proper safety gear would only be foolish!


Military gloves are thus an essential form of safety gear than every defence personnel should favour. Whether you are a pilot of some fighter plane, a marine or some lieutenant, military gloves of all varieties are available to cater to your special needs. Aviation gloves are designed for pilots flying fighter planes & such so that in the event of fire they can still retain use of the controls. Such gloves are usually Nomex gloves that can resist fire up to a certain degree. Needless to say, without military gloves, it would literally be a case of playing with fire for these brave folks!


And why just aviation? People on the ground need protection too. Including fire, there’s something else that always seems to hinder grip-sweat. Yes, wearing gloves ensures that you don’t sweat much & can always have strong grip on whatever weapon you’re holding. Many military gloves come with sharp knuckles that are meant to be used in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. Gloves are even meant to function for the normal purpose i.e. protection from the cold. If the soldiers are forced to take up stations in cold areas, the last thing they’d wish for is frostbite! Hence military gloves are made to protect the brave soldiers against all odds.